Great New Feature in the Comestri PIM: Export Products

Fast and easy export of your product data

Exporting product information from the Comestri PIM is now a whole lot easier thanks to our new Export Products feature.

Available from the Manage Products page in the Comestri PIM, this feature lets you quickly export and download a filtered list of products in either CSV or MS Excel Workbook (.xlsx) file format to your hard drive.

An alternative to Comestri’s Export Channel

Thanks to this new feature, you no longer need to configure and maintain a Comestri Export Channel to output product data in popular file formats. Result? Product management becomes much faster and more efficient.

Easy re-upload of exported CSV files for product updates

Another major benefit of the Export Products feature is that it allows you to download filtered product data in a CSV file that you can later modify and re-upload to the Comestri PIM (via the Upload Files button on the Manage Jobs page) when you need to update product information.

For example, you could use the new feature to find and export a list of all products without an image value or a sale price. Or you could do the same for all products missing a value for a particular Attribute, like gender or department. Once you’ve added the missing data to the downloaded file, you can then easily upload it again to update your products.

Core product data included automatically

Every file exported using the Export Products feature automatically includes the following product data by default:

  • Product Code
  • Product Class Name
  • Product Name
  • Status
  • Product Family Code
  • Brand Data
  • Catalogs Data

Freely include additional data

You can also choose to include the following additional product data in your exported file:

  • Attributes – you can include one or more Attributes

When you select the data types listed below, all instances of the type are included. (For example, if you select “Price”, every price associated with your filtered products will be included in your export file.)

  • Categories
  • Media
  • Dimensions
  • Price
  • Inventory

Pre-define the number of products per exported file

Depending on the number of products exported, your download will appear as a series of files within a single ZIP file. You can change the number of products per file under the Export Jobs section of Global Settings on the main menu (the default is set at 5,000).

A simple example of how to use the Export Products feature is outlined below.

Using the “Export Products” Feature

In this example, you’ll be exporting and downloading a CSV file containing the “Color” Product Class level default data (i.e. Product Class Code, Product Class Name, etc., as listed above) for products that have an image and an AU sale price stored at that level.

Step 1: Create and apply a product filter, or load a saved product filter

Access to the new Export Products feature is via the Manage Products page of the Comestri PIM.

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On the Manage Products page, you start the product export process by creating a filtered list of products. You can do this in a number of ways: by defining and applying a new product filter, by selecting a saved filter from the Quick Filters dropdown list, or by selecting a saved filter from the Load Filter dropdown list.

Here, you’ll define and apply a new filter that generates a list of “Color” Product Class level products that have an associated image and an AU sale price, by making the selections shown in the screenshot below.

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Next, click the “Apply” button to generate your filtered list of products.


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Step 2: Define your file requirements and export the file using the Export Products dialog box

Once you’ve created your filtered product list, the Export Products button will appear. Click the button to launch the Export Products dialog box.

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The Export Products dialog box will then appear.

In the File Name field you’ll enter the following name for the export file: “Color products with image and AU sale price CSV”. For the File Format field, you’ll select “CSV” from the dropdown list.

For this example, you’ll simply be exporting the “Data Included in Export by Default”, so there’s no need to select any of the checkboxes listed under “Additional Data to Export”.

Click the “Export” button to create your export file.

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The following slide-in message will appear at the top of the Manage Products page confirming that your export file is being created:

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Step 3: Download your export file

Return to the Comestri main menu and select Products > Export Jobs.

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The Export Jobs page will open. Next to your listed file, click the ellipsis (…) in the Actions column and select “Download” from the dropdown list to download your file.


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Your exported file will download to your hard drive in ZIP file format. You can then open the ZIP file to view your export file(s).

Open the CSV file(s) in your spreadsheet application to view and manage the product data.

Re-upload the CSV file to update product data

You can re-use your downloaded CSV file to quickly update products in the Comestri PIM.

To re-use your file in this way, open the file in your spreadsheet application, enter the changes to your product data, and then be sure to save the file again in CSV format.

Next, return to Comestri, select Products > Manage Jobs from the main menu, and then click the “Upload Files” button.

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The Upload dialog box will open.

Click the “Browse” or “Choose file” button (the button that appears will depend on the type of browser you are using), navigate to your updated CSV file, then select the file.

Select “Product” for the Entity type field and select “upsert” for the Operation field.

Click the “Save” button.

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Your products will be updated in the Comestri PIM with the changes made in your uploaded CSV file. Too easy!