Video Summary
In this video, you will learn how to create and edit an Attribute in Comestri.
Video Transcript
Welcome to Comestri. To begin, we will sign in to the Comestri application.
In this video, we will be creating an Attribute. Let’s start by clicking Product Configurations on the main menu. Next, click Attributes on the expanded menu.
On the Attributes page, all existing Attributes are listed in alphabetical order.
Please note that you cannot change the Code or Base type post-creation.
Let’s watch a quick tutorial on how to set up an Attribute.
Click the New Attribute button to create a new Attribute.
Start by naming the new Attribute. Type a name into the entry field.
Comestri automatically generates a code underneath based on the name entered.
You can use the Description field to add a few notes about the Attribute for later reference. These notes will not be displayed anywhere else in the UI.
You can use the Sort order field to specify the order in which the Attribute appears when viewing the product.
Ticking the ‘Make this attribute mandatory’ checkbox means that a user will have to fill in the value for this Attribute before the product can be saved.
Ticking the ‘Use for product completeness’ checkbox means that the product will not meet the completeness criteria until a value is selected for this Attribute.
The Base type selection field allows you to define the data type behind your Attribute. Configuration options on this page will change depending on the Base type selected.
Click the Create Attribute button to save the Attribute settings. A confirmation banner will appear at the top right of the page.
To navigate back to the Attributes page, click on Attributes in the main menu.
On the Attributes page, all existing Attributes are listed in alphabetical order.
You can edit an Attribute by clicking on the ellipsis at the end of the Attribute’s row and selecting Edit.
On the Attributes page, all existing Attributes are listed in alphabetical order.
Remember, the Code and Base type of an Attribute cannot be edited post-creation.