Video Summary
This video shows you how to use the 2 methods available for Category Mapping in Comestri Channels.
Video Transcript
In this video, you’ll be taken through Category Mapping in a Comestri Channel, using the Comestri Google Channel as an example.
Category Mapping is used to map your Comestri PIM Categories to an external platform’s pre-defined categories.
The basics of Category Mapping are the same across all Comestri Channels that use Category Mapping.
This video starts on the Channels page with the ‘Sample Apparel – Google for BigCommerce’ Channel selected by the Filter.
Start the Category Mapping process for a Channel by clicking the Configure cog.
The Channel Configuration page opens. Minimise the Comestri main menu by clicking the minimise arrow.
Before you do Category Mapping you must download categories from the external platform.
Here you can see we’ve already downloaded the categories from Google.
Most Channels use one of two methods to download categories from an external platform.
- Some Channels have a Download button for downloading categories.
- Other Channels require an Import Scheduler to be created to download categories.
(Downloading categories will not be covered in this video.)
To do Category Mapping, you need to click ‘Category Mapping’ in the left menu on the Configuration page.
This takes you to the Category Mappings page.
Category Mapping can be done using either a CSV file or manually via the Comestri UI.
(N.B. Many platforms require you to map your Comestri PIM Categories to the leaf level of the categories on the external platform. The leaf level is the lowest level in the category path.)
First you’ll see how to map Categories using a CSV file. Then you’ll see how to map Categories via the Comestri UI.
Let’s look at how Categories can be mapped using a CSV file.
This is the fastest way to map multiple Categories.
To use a CSV file to map Categories, you’ll need to generate and download the Channel’s Category Mapping Template.
In a new Channel, you’ll see the ‘Template not ready’ message, which means you’ll have to generate the Channel’s Category Mapping Template.
To generate the Channel’s Category Mapping Template, click the Generate button.
Now, reload the Configuration page and go back to the Category Mapping page to check the Template has been generated.
Once the Template has been generated, the Download Zip button appears.
Click the Download Zip button to download the Category Mapping Template.
This is a zip file that contains the CSV files needed for Category Mapping.
You need to unzip the Category Mapping Template file, which will create a folder containing the Category Mapping files.
You can then see that the folder contains the following 5 CSV files:
- category_mapping.csv – You’ll populate this file with Category Mappings and upload the file to the Channel.
- channel_categories.csv – This file contains the Google categories that Comestri PIM Categories will be mapped to.
- source_categories.csv – This file contains the Comestri PIM Categories that will be mapped to the Google categories.
- missing_channel_categories.csv – This file contains Google categories that have not yet been mapped to any Comestri PIM Category.
- missing_source_categories.csv – This file contains Comestri PIM Categories that have not yet been mapped to any Google category.
To create Category Mappings:
From the source_categories.csv file, copy the entries in the source_category_set and source_category columns and paste them into the category_mapping.csv file.
Next, populate the channel_category column with the corresponding Google category for each Comestri PIM Category.
Here you’ll see the channel_category column populated for Men’s Belts and Hats.
To do this, open the channel_categories.csv file.
For each Comestri PIM Category, copy the Google category that corresponds to it.
Then, in the category_mapping.csv file paste the Google category into the channel_category column next to its Comestri PIM Category.
Repeat this process for all Comestri PIM Categories that require mapping.
You can also map multiple Comestri PIM source Categories to the same Channel category.
Here, Women’s Belts and Hats have been mapped to the same Channel categories as Men’s Belts and Hats.
(N.B. You don’t have to map every Comestri PIM source Category, but you must delete the rows of Comestri PIM source Categories that have not been mapped to avoid errors.)
Next, save the file. You can change the name of the Category Mapping file when saving, but you must make sure you save it as a CSV file.
Next, you need to upload your populated category_mapping.csv file.
Return to Comestri. On the Channel’s Category Mapping page, click the Upload button.
The Upload dialog box opens. Click Browse.
Then select and open the category_mapping.csv file.
The file now appears in the Upload dialog box. Click Save.
You’ll be returned to the Category Mappings page. A slide-in message will appear to show your file is being uploaded.
Refresh the Channel’s Configuration page and navigate back to the Category Mapping page.
You’ll now see the new Category Mappings have been added to the list of Category Mappings.
If you’re adding many Category Mappings, you may need to refresh the Configuration page a few times to see all the Category Mappings.
You’ve now completed Category Mapping using a CSV file.
Next, you’ll see how to map Categories manually via the Comestri UI.
On the Category Mapping page, click the New Mapping button.
The New Channel Category Mapping dialog box opens.
First, select a Source Category set from the drop-down list.
Then, in the grey box on the left, select a Source Category by ticking the appropriate box.
Next, in the grey box on the right, select the Channel Category that you want to map this Source category to.
Then click Save to add this Category Mapping.
You need to repeat this process to add each additional Category Mapping.
You can now see the Category Mapping added to the list on the Category Mappings page.
You’ve now seen how to complete Category Mapping using a CSV file and manually via the Comestri UI.
(N.B. If you modify any Categories in the Comestri PIM or in the external platform, you’ll need to go through the Category Mapping process again.
For Category Mapping using a CSV file, this will include generating the Category Mapping Template again.)