Perform Bulk Generate Price in Comestri

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Product Filters

Bulk Edits

Video Summary

This video shows you how to perform the Bulk Generate Price in the Comestri PIM.

Video Transcript

About this Video

In this video, you’ll see how to perform the following Bulk Edit in Comestri: Bulk Generate Price.

Bulk Generate Price allows you to generate special prices (e.g. sale or clearance prices) for a list of products. It’s commonly used to generate sale prices for special promotional events that run for a specified period.

(See link to Bulk Edits article at the end of the video for more details.)

Some Comestri Pricing Definitions

  • Price Books – are like templates used to produce Price Items (i.e. prices) allocated to products, e.g. Normal Price Book and Sale Price Book. Price Books define various aspects of prices, like their currency and the time period the prices are active for
  • Price Item – defines the price of a product, including the Price Book used to create the Price Item. While a product can have multiple Price Items, usually it will have at least 2: a Normal price and a Sale price
  • Normal price – the price at which a business usually sells a product
  • Sale price – a reduced price that is usually based on the Normal price

Bulk Generate Price Checklist

Before you can perform the Bulk Edit, you’ll need to ensure that:

  • Relevant Price Books with Price Items exist in the Comestri PIM
  • Products, with those Price Items assigned to them, exist
  • You have created a destination Price Book to format the special prices that will be generated by the Bulk Edit
  • A filtered list of products, to which the Bulk Edit will be applied, has been produced on the Manage Products page
  • A Bulk Generate Price (which is a type of Bulk Edit) has been created

Next, you’ll be taken through a Bulk Generate Price example.

Bulk Generate Price – Example

Suppose you are a clothing retailer who wants to set a sale price of 20% off the Normal price on dresses for an End of Season sales promotion. In the Comestri PIM, details for these dresses are as follows:

  • Prices are stored at the ‘Colourway_’ Product Class level of the product, and
  • The Category ‘Dresses’, from the ‘Sample Apparel AU’ Category Set, is assigned to these products

Using Bulk Generate Price, you can automatically generate sale prices for dresses that meet these conditions.

Steps to Perform the Bulk Generate Price Example

First, you’ll see how to produce a filtered list of products that will be affected by the Bulk Edit.

Then, you’ll see how to create the Bulk Edit and perform the bulk price generation.

Lastly, you’ll see how the generated Sale price has been assigned to the filtered products.

Welcome to Comestri. To begin, we will sign in to the Comestri application.

To start creating your product filter, click Products on the main menu. Then click Manage Products on the expanded menu.

The Manage Products page opens.

This product filter searches for products at the ‘Colourway_’ Product Class level which also have the Category ‘Dresses’ assigned to them.

Click the Filter button.

Then, click the Refine By button to select the Search Term you want to use.

For the first Search Term, select ‘Class’ from the Refine By dropdown list.

Next, select ‘in list’ from the Operator dropdown list.

Then, select ‘Colourway_’ from the Search Value dropdown list.

Then, click the Refine By button to select the Search Term you want to use.

For the second Search Term, select ‘Category’ from the Refine By dropdown list.

Next, select ‘in list’ from the Operator dropdown list.

Then, select the Category Set ‘Sample Apparel AU’ from the Search Value dropdown list.

Then, select the ‘+’ symbol next to ‘Womens’.

The Category tree for Sample Apparel AU will expand.

Select the ‘+’ symbol next to ‘Apparel’, then select the checkbox next to ‘Dresses’.

The filter criteria will find products that have the information you have defined using the Search Term, Operator and Search Value.

Once you’ve finished defining your filter criteria, click the Apply button to produce a filtered list of products.

Once you’ve produced the filtered list, the Bulk Edits button will appear.

Click the Bulk Edits button and select ‘Bulk Generate Price’.

The Bulk Actions page opens.

Here, you’ll see the Generate price section where you’ll carry out a sequence of actions to create the Bulk Edit.

Firstly, you’ll add the Operation details.

Select ‘AU Sale’ Price Book from the dropdown.

Next, you’ll enter ‘20% off Dresses generated through Bulk Edit’ as the Description for the price.

Next, select a From date and a To date for the price.

Then, select ‘Percentage’ from the Rule Type dropdown list.

From the Source Price Book dropdown list, select ‘AU Normal’.

Then, enter ’80.0’ in the Percentage field.

(N.B. This will generate a Sale price that is 80% of the Normal price. In other words, it decreases the Normal price by 20%.)

To display and select a rounding option, you’ll select the checkbox labelled ‘Enable rounding?’.

Next, from the Rounding type dropdown list, select ‘Round’.

Then, enter ’95’ in the Round to Cents field.

Once you’ve filled in these fields, click the Next button.

Next, you’ll decide When to execute?

You can only set this Bulk Edit to Bulk Generate Price for the filtered products once.

To do this, select ‘Run once’ from the Execution dropdown list. (You can hover over the ‘?’ symbol to display definitions.)

Once you’ve selected a value for this field, click the Next button.

Lastly, you’ll Review and Confirm all details.

In the Review and Confirm step, in the Save as box, the Bulk edit name and Filter name will have a system-generated value.

Enter ‘20% off Dresses’ as the Bulk edit name. N.B. This field must not be left blank.

Next, set the Bulk edit status to active.

Then, enter ‘Products in Dresses Category’ as the Filter name.

Once you’ve filled in these fields, click Confirm.

A slide-in message appears confirming the Bulk Edit operation has been saved.

You are then taken to the Bulk Edits page where your Bulk Edit, which you’ll use to perform Bulk Generate Price, will be listed.

Next, you’ll execute your Bulk Edit to perform Bulk Generate Price.

Click the ellipsis next to your Bulk Edit and select ‘Execute Bulk Edit’.

A dialog box opens asking you to confirm your selection. Click OK to continue.

A slide-in message appears confirming your Bulk Generate Price job has been triggered (i.e. executed).

Click Scheduled Jobs in the main menu to check your Bulk Generate Price job has executed successfully.

The Scheduled Jobs page opens. Your Bulk Generate Price job now appears at the top of the list.

The job Status is ‘Completed’ and the Result is ‘Success’. This means your Bulk Generate Price job executed without errors.

Next, to check your Bulk Generate Price performed as expected, return to the Manage Products page under Products.

Load the product filter associated with your Bulk Edit to produce the list of affected products.

To check that the generated sale price has been assigned to the product, click the Product Code ‘betsy-dress-apricot’.

The Edit Product page opens showing the General tab for the product.

Click the Prices tab.

You’ll see that the sale price ‘AU Sale (AUD)’ has now been assigned to the product.

N.B. To reverse the effects of an executed Generate Price Bulk Edit, you must select ‘Undo Bulk Edit’.

Only then can you edit, delete or trigger the executed Bulk Edit.

This ends the example of performing Bulk Generate Price to automatically assign a sale price to a filtered list of products.