Video Summary
This video explains Product Families and shows you how to assign Attribute Groups to your Product Families.
Video Transcript
Welcome to Comestri. To begin, let’s sign in to the Comestri application.
Let’s start by clicking Product Configurations on the main menu. Next, click Product Families on the expanded menu.
You can create a new Product Family by clicking the New Product Family button.
Let’s enter the Name ‘Athletic Shoes’ and add the Code ‘athletic_shoes’. When you have finished, click the Save button.
Next, we’ll assign three Attribute Groups to our ‘Athletic Shoe’ Product Family. We’ll assign an Attribute Group to each level of our Product Class Structure. That means we’ll assign an Attribute Group to our Style, Colourway and Size levels. We’ll start by clicking the New button.
We’ll start by clicking the New button.
First, we’ll select the Style Class as the Product Class from the drop-down menu.
Next, we’ll select the Attribute Group ‘Core Shoes’ and then click Save.
Now, we’ll select the Colourway Class as the Product Class from the drop-down menu.
Next, we’ll select the Attribute Group ‘Colour’ and then click Save.
Lastly, we’ll select the SKU Class as the Product Class from the drop-down menu.
We’ll then select the Attribute Group ‘Identifiers’ and click Save.
You can click the ellipsis and select the Edit or Delete option to edit the Attribute Group Assignment. You can also just click on the Product Class name to display the Edit Attribute Group Assignments dialog box.
Note that the Product Class and Attribute Group cannot be changed once created. However, you can add a Sort Order.
A confirmation banner will appear at the top right of the page.
Let’s give the Colorway class a Sort Order of 2.
A confirmation banner will appear at the top right of the page.
Let’s give the Style Class a Sort Order of 3.
A confirmation banner will appear at the top right of the page.
Now, let’s navigate back to the Product Family page using the menu.
We’ve now got the ‘Athletic Shoes’ Product Family listed here.
To edit the Product Family, you can either click the Product Family name, or click the ellipsis and select Edit.
To delete a Product Family, select the checkbox next to it, then click the Delete button.
You can create a new Product Family by clicking the New Product Family button.
A confirmation banner will appear on the top right of the page.
When editing your products, you will find Product Family under the General tab, but a product’s Product Family cannot be changed.