Create Lookup Table in Comestri Channel

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Lookup Tables

Video Summary

This video shows you how to use Lookup Tables with Liquid rules in Comestri Channels.

Video Transcript

In this video, you’ll be shown how to use Lookup Tables in Comestri Channels.

You’ll see how Channel Field Mapping can use Liquid rules and Lookup Tables to translate PIM Attribute values into values that an external platform accepts.

Lookup Tables in Comestri Channels are created using a CSV file or Channel API.

Before creating a Lookup Table, you’ll need to ensure that the Attribute that corresponds to the Lookup Table’s column has already been created in the Comestri PIM.

(See the end of the video for a link to an article with more details on Lookup Tables.)

In this example, you’ll see how a Liquid rule in a Channel Field uses a Lookup Table to translate the ‘Size’ PIM Attribute value for a Men’s shirt into a size value accepted by the external platform (The Iconic).

You’ll see that the values for the ‘Size’ Attribute (Extra Small, Small, Medium, etc.) are translated into Size values (XS, S, M, etc.) accepted by The Iconic.

To create the example Lookup Table, you’ll be using a CSV file.

Before creating the Lookup Table, you’ll be shown an example product, a Men’s shirt, which has the PIM Attribute ‘Size’ with an associated value.

Next, you’ll be shown a CSV file which will be used to create the Lookup Table

You’ll then see how to use this CSV file to create a Lookup Table in the Comestri The Iconic Channel.

Lastly, you’ll be shown how to add a Liquid rule to a Channel Field Mapping which will use this Lookup Table to translate the ‘Size’ Attribute value into a value accepted by The Iconic platform.

The example used in this video is the ‘Retro Swirl Shirt Woodstock Green Medium’ product. This product has a Size Attribute with the value ‘Medium’ selected.

This Attribute value will be translated into a value accepted by the Iconic platform, using a Liquid rule with a Lookup Table.

To start the Lookup Table creation process, you’ll need to manually populate a CSV file with Attribute values taken from the PIM and their corresponding allowed values taken from the external platform.

For this example, you’ll populate the first column with PIM Size values and the second column with The Iconic platform’s corresponding Size values, as shown.

N.B. You must ensure that you save the file as a CSV file.

In Comestri, you’ll need to upload the CSV file you’ve created.

Click Channels on the main menu. Then, click Manage Channels on the expanded menu.

The Channels page opens.

Here you can see the example Channel – ‘Sample Apparel – The Iconic’. Click the Configure cog.

The Channel Configuration page opens. Minimise the Comestri main menu by clicking the minimise arrow.

Now you’ll create a Lookup Table to translate the Size Attribute value into a value accepted by The Iconic platform.

Click ‘Lookups’ in the left menu on the Configuration page.

Then, click the New Lookup button. The New Lookup Table dialog box opens.

Next, enter a Name. Here, you’ll enter ‘Size to The Iconic Size’.

For File, click Browse.

Then find and open the CSV file you’ve previously created.

The filename appears in the dialog box. Click Save.

You’ll now see the new Lookup Table has been added to the list of Lookup Tables in the Channel.

N.B. To edit the Lookup Table or its values, you’ll have to delete the existing Lookup Table and reupload the modified CSV file.

Next, you need to add a Liquid rule to the Variation Field to translate the PIM Attribute values to values accepted by The Iconic.

(The Variation Field is used to send product sizes to The Iconic platform.)

Click ‘Fields’ in the left menu on the Configuration page.

Scroll down and click the Variation Field.

Click ‘edit’ under Actions. The Edit Mapping dialog box opens.

Here, select Rule field as the Element Type from the dropdown list.

In the Rules section, click the ‘+’ symbol to add a Result.

Add the Liquid Rule into the Result field.

Once you’ve added your Liquid rule, click Save.

A slide-in message appears confirming the mapping has been successfully updated.

Notice that the Field mapping has now been updated.

After updating the Field mapping, you’ll need to stage the Channel to have the Field mapping take effect.

After the Channel has finished staging, click on the Export Items tab to check that the translation has worked as expected.

For details of how to stage and check, see the end of the video for a link to an article on Lookup Tables.

This ends the example of using a Liquid rule and a Lookup Table in a Channel to translate PIM Attribute values.