Attribute Groups – Easier Attribute Management

When you’re in charge of a large product portfolio, managing Attributes can take up a lot of valuable time. 

Whether it’s introducing a new product range, adding next season’s arrivals, or updating product information – it all involves assigning or changing product Attributes. 

To make working with Attributes easier, Comestri now lets you logically group related Attributes together into Attribute Groups. 

The primary benefit of Attribute Groups is that you no longer have to assign each individual Attribute to a Product Class. Instead, you can assign multiple Attributes to the same Product Class at the same time using a single Attribute Group, saving you time and effort. 

Attribute Groups help you streamline product enrichment, as you can associate many Attributes with similar products much faster than before. 

Reduced data handling errors are another major benefit of using Attribute Groups.  

Attribute Groups can be re-used again and again. For example, you can create generic Attribute Groups – like “Core Style”, “Core Colour”, and “Product Identifiers” – that can be shared among a wide range of product types like “Women’s Dresses”, “Men’s Shirts” and “Women’s Handbags”. Or, you can re-use Attribute Groups that are common to similar products, as in the illustration below: 

You can also set up highly specialised Attribute Groups for Attributes that are unique to a particular type of product. For instance, a “Core Boots” Attribute Group would only be applicable to boots. 

In the image below, you can see even more examples of specialised Attribute Groups related to different types of shoe: 

Attribute Groups are assigned to Product Classes using Product Families, which are another new Comestri featureProduct Families provide the link between Attribute Groups, Product Classes and products.